The best ways of life can be the easiest to achieve. You need one courageous decision and less than 500 Dollars per month to: live in a warm country, have your private beach, ride your own horse, go hiking every day, eat good food, have 300 tropical fruit trees in your garden, read a book whenever you like, make music, be happy even when you wake up at night, sleep as long as you like, be able to change your life whenever you want, let your children grow up in paradise.
Some of the worst ways of life are extremely hard to achieve. It takes a lifetime’s effort and you really have to beg and pay for it to: live in a cold, grey country, find a job, wake up in the morning from an alarm clock, waste the best hours of the day and the best years of your life with work, be bound to one place by your job, be tied to this lifestyle by debts, let your children spend their childhood in institutions which prepare them in hard work for wanting the same.
Easy life: easy to achieve. Hard life: hard to achieve. I never really understood this effect, but I like it.
Submitted January 16, 2019 at 09:23AM by Worldwidewild