Anyone have any recommendations for over/on ear headphones that are suitable for working out? Seen a few posts on this topic, but mostly for earbuds, which I don’t get on with.
Need to be wireless, and able to take a lot of abuse – specifically when it comes to sweat, as I sweat A LOT (seriously – whatever I end up buying will get drenched). Don’t need to have amazing audio quality as I only really listen to podcasts, although I guess I prefer them not to be too bass-heavy because of that.
Happy to spend up to about $100, provided they are durable enough and sufficiently sweatproof to last a few years (I know, I know – not actually BIFL). Definitely interested in cheaper options if there’s anything out there that people here recommend though.
Submitted January 28, 2019 at 12:50PM by iniflonra