Even the nicest, best quality stuff seems to eventually hit a sticking point where it's not yet vintage, but intead just kind of embarrassingly out of date... or you get bored with it... or the new ones seem to have some cool feature (which you know you never actually use, but come on!).
If you really walk the BIFL walk, this is the make-it-or-break it time. The crisis. The test of your mettle. Are you going to cave and "upgrade" your old friend...or grit your teeth, feel dorky for a while, and come out the other side with something that's proved it deserves to be yours forever?
Nobody would have still-kickin' antiques if Grandma had pitched that shit to the curb in 1951. Do your part this year and give your good ol' stuff a fighting chance!
Submitted January 02, 2019 at 02:06PM by nullagravida http://bit.ly/2sezhVb