So as with most UK investors I am lookong to balance the risk to my portfolio from the possible downsides (and I guess by definition the upsides) of Brexit. I understand the potential outcomes from the Brexit process (assuming something entirely new is not proposed in the coming weeks) but not necessarily their respective financial / market / FX implications from a UK perspective or indeed even what is currently priced in.
I am looking to remain in the market but attempt balance my portfolio as far as possible / sensible to ensure I am not overly weighted for any one scenario, appreciating that nobody knows the likelyhood of any one scenario at this time. I will then most likely look to add more funds and perhaps (re)balance as appropriate once we are more certain on which way the country is headed for the future, i.e. end of March / April timeframe.
Investing for the longer term and I'm early 30s. My Vanguard UK portfolio is currently as follows:
25% US equities fund 25% FTSE UK all share 25% Developed Europe ex UK 25% Bonds - 12.5% Global Bond fund (GBP hedged) - 12.5% USD Government bond fund (GBP hedged)
Advice and thoughtful discussion very much appreciated! :)
Submitted January 05, 2019 at 02:21PM by tcd212121