If you buy in large size, both are hilariously cheap.
Vinegar is a pretty good deoderant (no aluminum salts!(1)), good mild disinfectant, shampoo, and decent cleaning agent. It also has other good uses for skin, etc, that you can lookup.
Regular old cheap cooking oil is actually a really good skin moisturizer (triglycerides are natural part of skin oil). It's natural and doesn't have a long list of who-knows-what chemicals and perfumes like other moiturizers. It's similar to Vaseline in effect.
isopropyl is a strong disinfectant obviously, good deoderant (I dont use it though)
Point is these replace: deoderants, moisturizers, disinfectants like neosporin, and can be tried as treatments for many minor ailments.
Less money wasted. Less time working. More happiness.
December 23, 2018 at 06:50AM