Merry Christmas everyone!
I got what could be the best Christmas present this year from the most unexpected source - my manager! A bit of background first: I am 26, female, living in Seattle, with a Bachelor’s degree (planning to enroll in an MBA in 2019), working in finance. I started my career at 23 on almost the lowest positions in a big, national financial institution making $38k/yr. I climbed a ladder in my division, got a few extra licenses and certifications, a few performance bonuses and salary increases. My base salary right now is $55k and bonuses are around $15k yearly paid out quarterly. From the beginning, I got along really well with my manager and I felt like she always favors me over more senior coworkers. I can also see why. I’m working smart, not particularly hard and I have different skills outside my line of business that proved useful to the company.
Onto the matter. Today my manager called me into the office and said that she will be retiring in 3 months. I was genuinely sad because I loved working with her and her mentorship is truly priceless. I expressed this to her and then my jaw dropped to the floor when she said I’ll be replacing her in March. Whaaat?! I was silent for a good minute. I was really speechless. I’m only 26, with 3 years of experience and they offer me a managing position supervising 30 people in the entire Seattle area. Insane, right? She said I’ll be getting the formal offer via email soon but she wanted to tell me in person and congratulate me. I honestly thought it wasn’t real until I got the email from HR. They are offering $150k base, plus profit sharing, performance bonuses and a signup bonus of $20k.
Guys, I can tell you that I shed some tears of joy. When I joined the company, it was my goal to work my way up to corporate but I couldn’t ever imagined it will come so soon. There are so many other people in my division with much more experience. After the joy wore out, I started feeling anxious. How will I manage it all? I feel so unprepared and scared of failing and disappointing everyone. I think the pressure will only keep mounting. I don’t want to refuse the offer, this is a big step closer to my dream, this is what I’ve been dreaming of for the past 3 years but damn, I’m scared. I want to take advantage of my manager being here for another 3 months and basically ask for as much coaching as possible. I know it will be very intense but and I was wondering what you guys think. Am I getting into something well over my head? I think it will look very bad if I tell HR I’m not ready yet. I don’t want to miss the opportunity. Advice?
Submitted December 25, 2018 at 12:22AM by promotiongift777