I'm 27. My company's 401k plan with fidelity offers only 35 investment options. Our 401k plan defaults to the target retirement fund (FID FREEDOM 2055 K for me) with a gross expense ratio of 0.65%. We only have 4 low expense ratio options...
FID 500 INDEX - 0.015% expense ratio
FID INTL INDEX - 0.045% expense ratio
FID US BOND IDX - 0.025% expense ratio
FID EXTD MKT IDX - 0.045% expense ratio
While I think this would be enough to construct a 3 fund portfolio, I'm concerned about using the S&P500 index instead of a total market index. Is it worth it to try to lower my expense ratios using these four funds instead of a target retirement fund, or with the lack of investment options is the target retirement fund better? Should I even include the extended market index?
Submitted December 09, 2018 at 09:58AM by joeburns88 https://ift.tt/2zSRRpM