I have been offered an investment opportunity through my colleague. Its a private investment club company incorporated in Sweden by his family member. Some of my colleagues already put in tens of thousands euros into it. In fact some have even taken out loans for this. I am staying away from it, because for me it sounds too good to be true but I would like to hear your input:
- the Key Investor Information document mentions trading mostly FIAT currencies and some cryptocurrency
- the (programmer) colleague told me that he coded a special trading algorithm for this company (owned by his family member) that does high frequency trading
- access fee to be able to join the platform, 30€ or so + 2%/20% from investment/profit
- they have several funds which are opened periodically and if you enter them, you cant exit them for a set period of time, else you would have to pay a 8% fee
- look at the image here for the returns (its the return for the set amount of time), the average annualized return rate could be perhaps 80%!
- the most shady thing - they have a graph of daily profits and the line is absolutely smooth, in fact there is not a single day with a loss, see the picture (the green line are the profits) and the profits are +- same every day. I have been told that its because they have been capped by the Swedish finance regulator - literally because they are "making too much profit" otherwise they would be making even bigger profits. Is that possible?
- the colleague encourages more people to enter and always tells people that they should move their profits from one fund after it expires to a new fund in the dashboard
- they insist that they know the founder etc. so I can trust this whole thing
Could this be legit? Or is it a pyramid/ponzi scheme?
Submitted November 22, 2018 at 06:06AM by ponziornot https://ift.tt/2TzEQtF