I’m a relatively frugal person but the one place I let myself “treat” myself is when it come to video games. I collect GameCube games, Wii, Wii U, and Switch games.
I only buy games that I will/would play or in the case of ZombiU, it was $2 and looks cool on the shelf.
Recently though I’ve looked at Wind Waker and Twilight Princess which I have on GameCube and Wii U. For the sake of the GameCube collection it is “necessary.” Realistically I could sell these for $70 and still have them on Wii U. Same goes for Pokémon Red, Blue, Gold, and Silver. Those four could sell for maybe $80/$100 and I could buy them virtually for $10 a pop - which realistically I would only buy $20-$30 worth of those games.
I struggle with my collector’s side and my frugal side. I save all my money to travel internationally which is my ultimate hobby. The frugal side of me says to liquidate this stuff though I don’t “need,” the money. In the past I’ve sold games before that I end up buying again for the sake of wanting them for a collection. That’s not frugal at all.
I was wondering if anyone else struggled with collecting vs being frugal.
November 27, 2018 at 11:33AM