Prime is just getting way too expensive for me to justify anymore.
Last I looked it was $119 for a year and I never use any of the other services like movies or books
I am just going to go with free shipping once I have enough stuff i need to get and so it takes a week i don't care or I will make use of other stores or local stores .. there was a time when i really needed it but Its a couple water bills or an Electric bill .. actually a pretty high electric bill.
So its just not something I can justify right now for the foreseeable future.
But I don't know about those other services can you download books for free? or music or movies..
I only bought one song on there and i think i downloaded it but if i want to listen to music i just use youtube
Anyway ... anything I should do before I give it up?
I was thinking car repair manuals or something but idk.
November 20, 2018 at 08:00PM