Hey all!
So my situation hasn't really gone off the deep end yet, but it's definitely getting there. I need to plan how I'll survive being on my own financially moving forward before I actually move out or get kicked out.
In case you're wondering, my parents and I have a terrible relationship for the past few years, with them threatening to or kicking me out a few times over really nonsensical things, the biggest being how I like to hang out on the weekends and I have no balance in my life (??).
Anyway, here's how my finances look right now.
I work Part-Time 37.5 hours/bi weekly at $17 an hour. These hours vary depending on school schedules (I work in a school) so sometimes I'll work 25 hours in a cycle, sometimes I could work 50. I don't have the best savings habits, in fact I never have, so I know moving forward I need to be more disciplined. I'd love some resources or advice regarding discipline and savings!
My biggest concern is how I'm going to maintain myself. I go to school Full-Time and I have 2.5 years left, so I can't work a traditional 9-5. I also live in a very expensive city.
So I was hoping to get some advice regarding options I should consider moving forward! I've applied for affordable housing as well as public housing, and a co-op in my neighborhood, but I'd also like to be aware of emergency options if my parents would decide to kick me out permanently.
Any suggestions and advice would be really appreciated!
Submitted November 19, 2018 at 10:50PM by checkmylegacy https://ift.tt/2FxBqEM