My wife and I had a baby this year, so for the first time ever, we'll actually have spent enough money on out of pocket medical expenses to qualify for medical expense deductions. I'd planned on contacting each of our medical providers at the end of the year to request statements of our expenses, so that I'd have final summaries on record when we prepare our 2018 taxes. Some of the providers were one-time expenses (ex: anesthesiology for the delivery, the delivery itself, cranial reshaping band for my daughter, etc), as opposed to ongoing expenses (dentists, general physicians, pediatrician, etc), so I've been getting a head start by getting account statements sent to us for those one-time services.
Of the four providers I've contacted to request summaries, three have discovered that our accounts were over paid, and we had a credit owed to us, and have sent checks along with the requested statements. None of them had made any attempt to contact us or return the funds prior to us requesting an account statement.
I like to think that money would have been returned eventually when the providers do their own financial audits, but the cynic in me finds it very suspicious that the discrepancies were discovered and refunds were ***immediately*** issued when I expressed an indication of looking closer at the finances eight months later.
Anyway, I thought that was a tip worth sharing, as it put a few hundred dollars back in our pockets that we had no clue we were even owed.
Submitted October 15, 2018 at 09:13PM by dr_tantis_moboggan