Well I'm new to Reddit, this is quite literally my first post but I just wanted to gauge the community through this subreddit because its the closest one I can relate to my personal life and I wanted to know if there was anyone else on reddit like me. I'm a 21yr old guy who grew up close to my grandmother who was a DJ in the 70s/80s/90s and her entire house was straight out of the 70s, I've really really looked up to her my entire life and fell in love with the stories i was told, the things i saw, and just the thought of living in the few decades previous to my birth and now because of that I live a very SIMPLE and RETRO life.
When I say I live retro, I very literally mean as retro as humanly possible in 2018. My furniture set is from the late 70s, I personally own 5 or 6 vintage CRTs from 1985 and prior, and yes i use them. Every other piece of furniture i have is wood or woodgrain, I own and wear bell bottoms, 80s cardigans, I have original 50s/60s/70s/80s decor, my first car was a 1966 Chevrolet C-10 but had to sell it to get a more practical car (1988 Honda Prelude Si), I hate how automated modern cars are and god they look ugly, I listen to music on vinyl through a 1970 Kenwood Kr-5150 and some magnavox speakers, I love disco, motown, new wave, funk, rock, and the like, I literally can't stand listening to new music, especially rap unless its the sugar hill gang or slick rick... but again not modern. I'm currently moving into a small house and it already has a 1950s General Electric Stove that im literally fighting to keep instead of upgrading to a newer one and I eventually want to pick up a matching 50s refrigerator as well to go with it. I'm also currently working on dropping the 2 LCDs I own and possibly my smart phone but in this day and age you HAVE to stay connected (ew). But then again i wouldnt be typing this if i didnt have some modern technology.
You see, when people say that they live in a mid century modern home or they love retro decor or antiques I normally see people just decorating their VERY MODERN home with some neo-retro style that either looks like some sterile 50s-esque environment or they just have a game room that looks like a 57 Bel air exploded in there complete with neon signs and 50s diner furniture or its some suburban mom that found an art deco dresser and some assorted farm antiques and threw them around the house.
So I 'm looking for people who live a more authentic retro life that entails the simplicity that comes with vintage electronics, appliances, mannerisms, and just living in general, everything is so automated and already done for you in the modern day, and I sincerely apologize if this is unrelated content but I honestly can't find another subreddit that is more in tune with what I just said. You guys are all about simple living which I whole heatedly agree with and try to emulate in my daily life through my love for pretty much vintage everything. If you guys have some ideas on other subreddits that might be more suited for this then let me know. Other than that id love to hear from you guys if you live like this as well or have some more resources for me because I really want to connect to a community that has the same interests as me. Thanks!
Submitted October 08, 2018 at 07:26PM by RetroLifer77 https://ift.tt/2Odi37T