So a little background: I'm a junior in college with a work study job. I make $12/hr and only work 5 hours a week.
Before college I had $3000. I was proud of the little I saved with no car.
Recently, people keep needing things or birthdays come up etc. So now I am down to $2600. It was one girl's bday ($20) then another girl needed money for a charity because a family member is in the hospital and I can't attend the fund raiser so I promised to fork over $10. Then another girl is having a bridal party and I have to get her a $20 gift plus need to pay for bed etc. My dad usually helps out with buying christmas gifts but he is leaving the states so I will have to fork over another few hundred to pay for christmas. And my mother took me out to eat but forgot her purse at home an hour away so I ended up spending $100 on her. Another friend (which is my penpal) I bought him an amazon gift which was $50 (which I actually wasn't forced into that one so I don't really regret that.) It's just too much and I'm drowning in not being able to keep up. I am a college student with virtually no bills and yet I'm spending more on people than I ever have. I keep trying to save but then something comes up and I have to pay money for usually someone else. I'm so paranoid and am not sure what to do. What do you guys recommend? If I say "I really can't afford that" the people in my life will think I'm some smug jerk. It's making me upset. My dad is rich but he is leaving. My mom is divorcing her husband so she's struck for cash. And that's why I didn't force her to pay me back. So out of all of those $150 is what I wasn't upset about paying. But the rest of the money (like $250) is due to circumstance. Please help me figure out what I can do. I'm usually awesome witt budgeting but lately just too many people needing things and not getting money fast enough. Also, is there any way I can make some extra cash from home? Like I said, I can't drive and I'd love to work online on weekends if possible.
Submitted October 10, 2018 at 04:10AM by wowguidery