LU0090830653 - 3% LU0093503141 - 3% LU0217390656 - 5% IE00B19Z4C24 - 5% LU0138259550 - 5% LU0232932698 - 0% LU0227385266 - 5% LU0066341099 - 5%
You get the picture. I still have some of those at >-10%. I'm so pissed. My financial advisor has been recommeding me these or recommended me these the past 2 years and I actually invested in them because I knew nothing about investments. Are these what people call mutual funds?
Holy shit, I think I've been getting ripped off for the past 2 years. I didn't know much about what were index funds or ETF's.
From what I've learned this past week, ETF's can track the same index as index funds but being a lot more cheaper, am I correct?
Holy fuck, I'm retarded.
Submitted October 17, 2018 at 02:12AM by hereimalive