In the "old days" we had paper sacks. I know it sounds primitive, but these bad boys were rugged, and we actually valued them and kept them after we got home. You could fill these with about 6-8 lbs of groceries each, and you would lug two of them across the parking lot with the same care you would use to carry two chubby babies. I would often see people get to the checkout with folded sacks that had obviously been used a few times before. Sometimes the school teacher would ask kids to bring paper sacks to school. They would become crafts projects and costumes. So, what happened? Somebody said they were wasteful and bad for the environment, so we got rid of the paper sacks, and now we wound up using 3-5 plastic bags to do the job that one paper sack was able to do. And I'll tell you what, when you get home with those plastic bags, you throw them away. All of them, because they suck, and you're lucky if you get home without tearing a hole in them. Nobody wants to reuse these plastic bags for groceries. And now, we have an environmental disaster, we have tons of plastic floating in the ocean, we have animals digesting these non-biodegradable bits, and it's getting into our food. The solution? Charge 10 cents for each bag you need at the store.
So, I miss the good ole days, the wasteful paper sack days.
October 12, 2018 at 04:11PM