I'm wondering if any of you have words of wisdom to share about when to buy new/high-quality things versus when to thrift (or simply make do without).
Often using thrift stores means choosing lower quality or something that is not-quite-right (although occasionally we get lucky). Plus, many thrift stores are for-profit companies. But, on the plus side, using them means 1) not requiring anything new to be made unnecessarily and 2) requiring less money (so, either working less OR having more money to give).
On the other hand, I grew up lower middle class, and I'm finally in a position in life where I can afford some higher quality things. And I think it's very important that high-quality, long-lasting goods continue to be produced, and I want to support companies with responsible environmental and labour practices. BUT usually those products are so expensive that I honestly feel a little ridiculous buying them! I also feel guilty for being able to enjoy "luxuries" (like good winter boots, etc.) when others can't.
Then there's the part of me that just *wants* to buy nice, pretty things. Not very many of them. But still.
What do you guys think? Do you have any personal policies that help you decide how to spend your money on things you need, like backpacks, boots, mattresses, clothes, etc.?
And, while we're at it, what about spending money on things that are not necessary but can make life a little nicer, like candles, fancy cheese, alcohol, etc.?
Submitted September 12, 2018 at 01:03PM by racheljmc https://ift.tt/2NFrufd