I know I will still need to file taxes each year at the federal level, I don’t anticipate being taxed at a lower rate or making above the the threshold (moving to a Scandinavian country). What are other things I should clear up or shut down before I move? 1) should I maintain a credit card? 2) should I maintain a US bank account or should I move all of my savings over seas? 3) 401k should I keep that money in the 401k or cash it out? Should I roll it over to a 401k not with my current employer? 4) I have a good chunk of money that I trade within Robinhood can I continue to do that from abroad? 5) vehicles I current have 2 vehicles should I sell them both or store extra stuff in one and pay for storage of the vehicle?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Submitted September 08, 2018 at 11:57AM by Varrggen https://ift.tt/2wY5j9C