Here's the thing: My brother works in the library at the local university. Pay's decent, but it's not enough that he can allot some for savings or any major investments. He and his wife are currently raising their two kids (ages 2 and 4) and his wife had to stop working to take care of their kids. She's tried looking for some online jobs but to no avail because she used to work at Macy's. They're also currently still paying their student loans, atop of car loans and mortgage, and of course, the monthly bills. My brother wanted to start saving up for her kid's education fund but what he's earning is just a good month's worth. What advice do you think I can give him that might help him get through this financial struggle? Cryptocurrency? Stocks? Gold? I'm up for suggestions (as long as it's legal, please!)
Submitted August 02, 2018 at 01:20AM by applesnbluebird