Pics: https://ift.tt/2ocxI7X this post because I had written up like over 1000 words all about this project and accidentally hit the back button on my phone which really sucks.I'm redoing the deck on my new house, replacing top boards and removing rotten boards and strengthening the sub floor.Need to remove all the old rusted screws that are left behind after I hole sawed over the old board screws and popped them off with crowbar thing.What's your opinion on removing the screws, I have thought of three options, buy new Ossilating saw tool or angle grinder and disks and cut them smooth, hammer them down and leave it looking kinda lazy, or wombo/combo bolt cutters/pliers. I had written this big long post listing all my tools that I own and all my materials available but now I'm upset cause I accidentally deleted everything so if you have any questions please let me know.Plan is to strengthen sub floor and replace top deck with new 2*6's and paint or stain them.I'm only limited in my tools as I have one cordless Walmart drill and a corder Ryobi drill that is half worn out from the hole saw work. I have most hand tools like screwdrivers and pliers and hammers and driver bits, also skill brand circular saw and a old school manual impact screwdriver.Thanks for your time I appreciate any input, hoping someone on this sub has a tip that will save me time and effort because it's like 100 degrees out here and hard to sustain an outdoor effort for more than like an hour at a time without risk of heat exhaustion.Ninja edit: the deck is about ~450 square feet, 30' long side 12.5ft deep one side and 19.5 feet the other side in a sort of rotated L shape.The old top deck was ~110 2*6's I have roughly 80 or so that are still good that I'm going to use to re structure sub floor and if possible maybe use some of the best ones again on the top decking.Got a quote for 1300$ for all new top deck lumber from a local wholesale place, trying to save money on that cause it's going to be the biggest expense. Any suggestions for pressure treated boards for cheaper? via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2wnje92