I made an epoxy resin river table and the plan was to use a polyurethane as a finish for it. I was hoping the poly would give the resin a glossy clear look, much like the look when epoxy resin dried. I wanted to steer away from coating the entire table with epoxy resin and maintain a satin finish on the wood. Sanded up to 1500 grit and polished. While you can see the detail within the epoxy the clarity is still lacking. I’ve been recommended Odies Oil and Rubio Monocoat 2 part oil base finish however there only available online for me and I’m curious if there are other methods to getting the glossy clear look on the epoxy without spreading over to the wood. Thanks in advance for the tips!https://ift.tt/2OBqCoE via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2PbbzTK