My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years. We have lived together for about 2 of those years. In the past, he's been irresponsible with money and has about $2k in debt (most of that has gone to collections). I, on the other hand, am good with money. I have a school loan that I am beginning to pay off, but no serious debts.
He mentioned to me recently that he thought we should get a joint bank account. At first, I was on board - I figured we were just going to put enough in a joint checking account to cover our shared bills (rent, utilities, groceries, etc). That part I was okay with. But then he added "So my debts would become 'our debts' and if I want to get out of the hole I'm in, I'll need your help because you make more than I do." It sort of made my change my mind. I told him that it didn't really sound like a good idea anymore, and that I didn't want his debts to become mine. I mean, I wouldn't ask him to cover my school loan payments for me, so why is he asking me to cover his debts? I will admit, his debts stress me out a lot and I have actually made small payments on them before when he couldn't, but I don't feel like I should be responsible for taking on his debts if we get a joint bank account. He doesn't seem to understand why I wouldn't want to do this, and said he feels like I'm not committed enough to him.
TL;DR- My boyfriend is bad with money, has debt that's gone to collections. He wants to get a joint checking account with me to help pay off those debts faster, as I make more money than he does. I said it didn't sound like a good idea. He got upset.
Submitted August 29, 2018 at 09:21AM by emvogler