Instead of paying for ad-free services or music streaming services, use a free ad blocker, use YouTube, and use SoundCloud or Spotify.
Instead of paying a ton of money on groceries, buy groceries low in sugar and sodium (wean your intake down), buy minimally processed food (contrary to popular belief, it's much cheaper), and compare servings to price, not weight to price. You'll get a much more accurate number on how much you're spending, even if you don't eat by serving.
Instead of spending money on bottled water and water labeled as "spring water", use tap water. It ends up the same anyway..well unless the water in your area or your pipes are filthy.
You can save a ton of money on cosmetics through r/NoPoo, cold showers (ease yourself into it), no nail products, a diet low in sugar, unhealthy acids (e.g. acid from microwaved cheese), dyes, and unhealthy oils (e.g. oils from fast food), no make-up, and no acne wash (unless you have severe acne, and you need medicated acne wash).
Avoid bad subliminal stimuli (e.g. ads, depressing news, etc.)
Be wary of Skinnerian marketing (the Skinner box mechanism used in mobile games, social media, and more) as you'll likely end up spending more money.
If you're not that interested in fashion, you can get away with having 7 pairs of clothes.
Use a dumb phone or a less mainstream smartphone. Ask yourself why you're even using a smartphone. How much do you actually use on it to your benefit or the benefit of others? How much is entertainment you could do on a laptop?
August 18, 2018 at 11:46AM