Hello All,I am looking to repair some water damaged gypsum board in the bathroom of my apartment before painting the walls/ceiling. Since this is an apartment, I want the repairs to all be minimally invasive and I thought you all might be able to help with suggestions!Pictures of the problem areasSome of the areas are water damaged just because they are adjacent to the shower and it seems like there is a little splashing occasionally which had caused some paint to peel. The ceiling on the other hand was repaired due to a leak in the apartment above that caused the entire ceiling to collapse last year. As you can see, the super's repair work generally is not great and that's why I don't want him to fix any of this stuff.So, I've done some research but have been unable to find any videos/advice for repairing these sorts of areas with peeling paint/seams and also exposed and flaking joint compound. Since its an apartment I cant't just cut out the problem areas and patch in new GWB so I'm looking for the next best solutions. For the areas with some water damage, would cutting the peeling paint, sanding the area and then smoothing out with joint compound work? Do i need to add some tape at those seams? I've done some research and can't seem to find any videos/advice for these sorts of problems, all the videos are for repairing holes and cracks.For the ceiling, I don't think there's much to be done except sanding down some of the more egregious work, maybe a bit of joint compound to smooth out some low areas. If I were to put more mud up there, do I need to sand off some of the paint first?Any and all tips or recommendations are appreciated. Thanks all! via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2uW6nuy