Reading this sub has saved me more than once, wanted to share this here in hopes of helping others. Long story short, scammers can clone official business phone numbers and your Caller ID will recognize their calls and texts as coming from the business.
In my case a scammer called posing as Verizon Wireless, told me he was calling about fraudulent activity and wanted to confirm I hadn’t ordered a new iPhone. I said no and he began to act as if he was cancelling the fraudulent order / would just need me to help him close the order and create a fraud claim.
He never tried to get the info most know better than to provide like an SS, rather he sent me a text message as “confirmation” and wanted me to read back the numbers. I got suspicious and hung up, called VZW myself and they confirmed it had not been a legitimate call. The CS agent said it was a cloning scam. The scammer could have used the info from the text to reset my account PW and subsequently order new phones, etc, and run up the bill under my name.
TL;DR - Even if your caller ID identifies a call as legit and the caller says they’re customer service, tell them you’ll call them back.
Submitted June 10, 2018 at 07:24PM by Johnny_Sausagepants