My wife and I earn about $180k combined. I just paid off my student loans and own my car outright. She has maybe $7-8k in loans (student, car, and a personal loan she took when she first graduated college), which she will finish paying, Dave Ramsey snowball-style, this year. We each have a credit card but pay them off every month. We each have a TSP through work—she puts 11% in hers and I put 18% in mine. I have a Roth IRA that has been idle for a few years, but I have recently (since I paid off my student loans) been maxing. We each expect to get a pension from our jobs, although we don’t include it in our plans because we haven’t been at the job long enough to get it yet. We currently have about three months of expenses in our savings and are working towards six.
What is the next step? Stocks? Increase the TSP? We plan to have children soon. We each have a GI Bill so two of the kids (we want three or four) will have college paid for. We move too much to buy a home, although we’ve casually considered buying somewhere and renting it out. I’ve spent my life with “pay debt” and “build savings” as my goals, so now that those are done, I’m not sure what to do next.
Submitted June 02, 2018 at 10:06AM by EternalFootwoman