Compare price to servings, not weight. You're paring $1-$1.50 per serving for canned beans with God knows what in it. Meanwhile, you could pay ~7¢ per serving for 13 servings of bagged beans. The cheaper one is healthier. It doesn't take much time to cook either. You're cooking for nearly the same amount of time. You're just doing it all at once. ~30 minutes of cooking now, and you won't have to cook beans for the rest of the week.
Switch to a diet of minimally processed food, low sugar, and low salt. The only exceptions are truly special events, not the weekend. Your teeth will whiten, you'll get to a healthy weight, you won't compulsively eat, depression and anxiety will decrease, and your grocery costs will plummet.
Stop doing "adult" things like eating at fancy restaurants, drinking alcohol, etc. You're paying ~$100 for steak you can buy at the grocery store for a fraction of the price, and if you look at it scientifically, it tastes good because of seasonings, acids, texture, which we're only capable of being aware of so much, and fat. That's it.
Lobsters are expensive due to economics. The demand is high and the output is strained. Lobsters used to be cheap because output was high and demand was low. Businessmen take advantage of this and make it seem "fancy" or "adult", meaning they receive a ton of money just by branding food as something it's not.
Use economics when shopping and ignore branding. Potatoes are cheap, because they're easily grown, they grow fast, and the market is shared by many companies rather than mostly a few.
Look at things scientifically. Those oreos taste good because of sugar. You receive an increase in dopamine, meaning you experience the same pleasure you experience during sex. You're being rewarded for eating a cookie. Oreos are primarily made up of the same things most highly processed food is made up of: corn syrup, "enriched flour", cornstarch, soy lecithin, and leavening.
Stop buying things simply because other people do. Stop buying things because you're afraid of being looked down upon if you don't. If they laugh at you, they're the idiots for paying God knows how much on something that didn't actually make them happy. Now, they're in debt or had to take out a mortgage or loan just so people didn't look at them differently.
June 01, 2018 at 10:36AM