So, I'm trying to mount a TV in an apartment I moved into about a month ago. I've mounted a few over the years and have always had zero issues, but this one has me perplexed. Where my studfinder says a stud should be (and which the measurement from edge to edges would seem to confirm) I drilled a pilot hole but didn't hit wood. To inspect what was going on, I stuck a narrow screwdriver through the hole and it contacted something which softly gave, but then pushed the probe out about an inch after I stopped applying pressure, almost like pressing against a sponge or thick foam.My first guess and biggest concern is asbestos, but my landlord assured us that there was no asbestos in the apartment (though a landlord's word isn't always the most reliable thing I've learned over the years.) Is there anything else that would go into a wall's interior that would cause that? via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2xesiAA