I had the opportunity to try out the aeron, embody, gesture, and leap at the store for about 20 mintures each. These are also immediate competitors, it always seems like one or the other. People will love one and hate the other. Also I sat in a steelcase think for over a year. Now I sit in an old Knoll Life and it is terrible and my back hurts sitting in it. I didn't like the stiffness of the embody and I didn't like how cushy the leap was. The think wasn't uncomfortable but it just felt okay and didn't have much lumbar support. Also 20% of the chair had the lumbar support snap off. I have a crappy $100 chair from staples at home and my back hurts after a few minute.
I am 24 working as a software engineer and spend alot of time at home on the computer. I have lower back pains and hip tightness. I think it is a combination of not having a balanced weight training program, not stretching, and bad ergonomics. I am only 5' 4" so even at the highest setting of chair height I am still not at 90 degree with my arms and my legs dont touch the floor. Currently working on these with keyboard tray and foot rest. Also I weigh about 145 lbs, but trying to bring it down to 135.
I am stuck between the aeron and the gesture. I purchased the aeron size B, the fully adjustable version ( posturefitSL, fully adjustable arms, tilt limiter and angle). for 890 ish with the sale they are having. I can always return in 30 days.
I enjoyed both the gesture and the aeron, but they were different chairs and they both had features I loved. Aeron I liked the forward tilt because I often lean forward when working. The posturefit SL supports the pelvis and kept my lower back at a "correct" position, I noticed when I was standing after sitting, my lower back felt adjusted and relieving. The chair overall felt more rigid, but supportive, and the tilting mechanism was fluid. I would consider this a "working" chair.
Gesture on the otherhand, I like the tilting mechanism as well, more resistant but refined, the spine allows the upper back to move independently of the lower back, when you push your upperback back, your lower back comes forward and the gesture does a great job contouring to it and very supportive (different from the aeron). Even if I leaned back on it and rounded my lower back, the spine on the gesture molds to it, not sure if it is a good or bad thing, but again everyone's back is different. I never really liked just horizontal lumbar support, the gesture seems like that but it really holds how you sit. The arm mechanism of steelcases are much nicer as well. Also there was much more room to put your legs up, the aeron doesn't really allow you to sit like that. I would consider the gesture a more "relaxing" chair but still supportive and more comfortable.
Like people have said, steelcases are a more versitile chair especially when buying for an office when everyone is different. Honestly if I had only ONE chair to choose from I would pick the gesture, for like relaxing watching TV, working etc. but only marginally. I am going with Aeron from a working stand point its comfortable and keeps my bad back in check and supported. I honestly would be happy with either one of them, but when you are spending this kind of money, it is always a hard decision. I am going to get the chair in a week and I have 30 days to return.
What is your take on it? Why did you choose one chair or the other? Any complaints you may have or things that I missed?
Submitted May 17, 2018 at 09:42AM by PoorCollegeKid01 https://ift.tt/2k2VG3s