The debt is mostly from law school and I have no other debt. I make around $50k as a prosecutor; I make small income-based payments every month and I'm on track for student loan forgiveness in about 8 years. To keep a mortgage payment around 1/4 of my take-home pay, I would not buy a house that cost more than $175k and I'll only do a 15-year fixed. By the end of the year I will have around $40k saved; most of which will be a down payment.
Would it be dumb for me to buy a house at this juncture?
Warning: I'm not getting a "better job" for more money so don't even ask.
Edit: as much as I would love to have $175 in student loans, it's actually $175k. If only FedLoan Servicing would make the same error!
Submitted May 24, 2018 at 07:50PM by law_man_863