Hey all, i've been a lurker to this sub for a while, and you all have some really great advice, especially for someone who's young and paying dues for being financially stupid when I was first starting out with credit cards. One post I specifically remember was someone saying to "Actually take the time, and if you disagree with the IRS's decision on something, politely contact them. You'd be surprised."
Well, as far as it goes for me, I tend to have pretty shitty luck. I like to convince myself that "you make your own luck", but nonetheless. So, as far as this years taxes were concerned, I hadn't claimed myself on my W4 - so I had expected to get a decent ~ ~return~ refund come tax season. Tax season came, and turned out the IRS was pushing an inquiry on me, and asking for repayment on my 2016 return, in regards to my school amounts. ( I used Tuition assistance, it's a military benefit on the Guard/Reserve side of the branches.) I don't make that much right now- and they were asking for me to hand over $600. I'm just as of recently unemployed, and am pushing to try to get into the software development field, which hasn't been fruitful quite yet. Naturally - I was beyond pissed - yet I kept it cool, transferred just about all of my current year's return refund to my savings to be prepared to end up having to pay the IRS , and so I called. Sat on hold for 1hr. 36 minutes, only for them to cut me off the line, and say they were closed. Yeah, Rage ensued.
After I calmed myself down, wrote my letter for an appeal, stating the time spent on the phone only to be booted - and that I wanted to speak my peace - and mailed it in.
I was eventually contacted, and asked to provide the details on my actual expenditures towards school - including books, online course fees, in total. I replied kindly, thanking the agent for their time and attention to my case in my reply letter - which I faxed in.
To end this long story - after another fax or two, and hope being lost and expecting to fork over that wad of cash - I received the letter in the mail today, stating the IRS is dropping their inquiry, and no balance was owed to them. I get to keep the $600.
Definitely take the time to speak your peace with the IRS, believe it or not - they DO listen, and are willing to work to help you, if you're respectful.
tldr: If you have an issue with the IRS from your taxes, don't take the punishment blindly. Speak your piece, and you may be pleasantly surprised. Sorry for the long post.
Edit: words Edit 2: reddit mobile isn’t respecting my strikethroughs, so, forget it
Submitted May 03, 2018 at 02:48PM by SgtGirthquake https://ift.tt/2IecMci