Hello everyone, long time lurker, first time poster. I've read alot on here and I wanted to get personalized advice for my situation.
I make 43K base a year and I live in Wash. DC. My job does have virtually unlimited OT but I'm living paycheck to paycheck and I want to get into a better financial situation as I'm 2 years out from getting my own health insurance.
My current expenses are
-Rent 600 ( I rent a room from best friend in his house he owns, once his mother moves in, it decreases to 400)
-Utilities 100
-Cell Phone 160
-Insurance 280 (I split insurance with my friend)
-Car Note 430
I contribute 75/ month to medical fsa and
My credit score is currently around the 540 mark from credit karma.
I owe
-Student Loans 7K
-Car 11K @ 24% APR (DriveTime)
-NFCU CC 5K ( At Limit)
-NFCU Line of Credit (500)
-Old car loan (2500)
-Old VZ bill (250)
My end goals are to save and increase my score. In about 6 months I plan to get an apartment as well. In the mean time what should I do financially?
Submitted May 31, 2018 at 05:13AM by Xenstier https://ift.tt/2xrLniQ