Don't really want to get into the details on how my backsplash got so fucked, but needless to say I would be very grateful for a solution to my priblem.I installed metal tile and the grout dried before it could be wiped away, leaving residue on the actual tile. Water and the rough side of a sponge definitely is not going to be the cure. I tried a small buffing pad on my Dremel, and while that appeared to work, the buffing pad disintegrated 10 seconds into the job. I thought a power buffer would be the fix so I bought a Dremel Versa. Three of the four pads do nothing and the one pad that does work eats through the finish, exposing the steel under the painted metal tile pieces. You can see this in action:https://ift.tt/2k5lKeg the bottom pic, if you look at the middle dark blue tile you can see the actual tile, the blue/gray grout covering the tile and the metal coming through the buffed out paint in the bottom right corner I used the Dremel power buffer to remove the grout.I am at my wits end and want this over with. If there a different power buffer that would rub off the grout but preserve the paint? If there a chemical or acid I can use I will gladly re grout this myself if need be.Thanks via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2IykMSF