So I've been browsing this subreddit for quite some time. I didn't know this kind of subreddit even existed. I was really happy to see people intersted in old things like this.
I'm 22 (M), I'm not westerner, nor I've lived in the west. I've lived a long lasting war in the past, it made me learn a lot of things about life and how I see it.
Smartphones Yes you do need a smartphone, doesn't matter the brand, camera, looks, how old or crappy it is, and you don't need to spend money to buy a dumb phone. This might disagree with most of the opinions here yes, but think of it like this, a smartphone is a tool made to help you in your life. You do need to check your e-mails if you're running a business. You will need WhatsApp if you're a student. Unless you're a privacy concerned person, then you don't need to ditch your smartphone.
Here are some tips for your smartphone: NO games. Not even Chess or Sudoku. It's a tool not a way to spend time, spend time elsewhere. Away from any screen preferably. DELETE all apps which are made to browse one website, like YouTube, Facebook and so on. or at least disable them. Use a browser, that's what it was made for right? No need to ditch those websites if they're making positive change in your life. News are excluded and bad for health, and that's just my opinion. Deleting doesn't apply to crucial and important apps. Everyone has a set of important apps, for me it's Gmail and WhatsApp. if you can quit social media without any negative affect, then obviously do it. If not, don't let it control over your life and be very picky on what you follow and read. INSTALL Apps which will help you if you need them. Like dictionaries, note apps, e-book readers etc. You know what's best for you, but remember; apps when you need them. Not apps to spend time with, like Duolingo. If you want to learn a new language, read a real book. For me as a student I always use Notebloc and Wolfram Alpha. They're helpful for me, look for what suits you best.
Cooking is a very important and crucial activity. You don't need to spend money on fast food, nor you need to buy pre-cut vegetables or any refrigerated foods. Invest in good kitchen kit, your stomach will thank you later, and you'll get things done quicker. Stay away from bagged & canned foods. Apples are heathier than chocolates. When you think about going to the market, think of it like this, a market contains fruits, vegetables, meat and dairies. Ignore all man-made options. And of course excluding spices and small important stuff. Avoid all altered shape meat like Mortadella, Salami and Sausage. A meat should look like meat, and you can't actually tell what kind of meat was put in it. Try not to deprive yourself from things you really love, have a good control over yourself and be picky.
Entertainment Everyone knows this obviously. Movies, TV series, Anime, Video Games, Audio games or whatever, you should take serious step to leave them for once and all. Really want to play? Go to a Chess club. Want to watch a movie? that's what a cinema is made for.
Be picky on what you really want to do and learn. Maybe you should start learning Piano. Find out what you like to do. How? Simply try every activity out there that may just seem intersting to you and your heart'll do the rest.
Music. People will probably downvote for this one xD If you can leave it, do it. You'll feel the time passing slower this way and that's the point. Feel every wasted second.
Clothes. You don't need 4-5 pants to look stylish. 2 is enough or 3 at maximum, just buy good quality ones. A couple of sweaters and a jacket or two will get the job done. Go to the clothes shop in specific dates every year. Don't buy things if it's not needed and don't ditch old clothes just because its "old." And you'll still look stylish, just make sure to shave and take good care of yourself and clothes.
Read. Nearly every successful person out there reads books. It's one of the greatest habits. Try to get things to help you reading like Coffee, Tea, or maybe try Yerba Mate.
Obtain things to help you to stay away from screen when you feel bored. This one depends on each person. For me, I've a pair of dumbbells. Even if you're not into bodybuilding, this one helps you stay in healthy physique. And you're not paying extra money monthly to go to the gym this way. Start writing a diary. You don't have to do it daily, monthly or whatever. Just write when you feel you would like to, it doesn't matter even if you write ten pages a year. You'll see yourself through a mirror this way and it'll help you in a better decision making in the future. And when you start doing it, you'll see yourself wanting to write more in that notebook.
Rule. Items which you don't use over one year, ditch them. You won't need them. Try to keep items at minimal.
Enjoy Life
Those are the guidelines I follow. Not all of them may suit you still, correct me if I'm doing something wrong.
Edit: English mistakes.
Submitted April 09, 2018 at 07:26AM by Void13