I've been following this sub for about a year or so and see some great ideas on here. I also see a lot of wtf ideas. Being frugal to me, at age 34, good job, family of 4, limited time, but also wanna save a buck seems to be dramatically different from some of you. A few things I've done to be frugal are the following, buying a granite countertop for my bathroom but installing myself I paid $400 for two tops and sinks they look great and the company was going to charge me $800 in install and hallaway. Took me 3 hours and I bought my brother lunch. Buying a 1 year old Camry vs new. I saved about 7k vs a new model, was able to get what I wanted out of my 2005 Jeep which needed new tires, burnt oil, and got about 14 mpg. Could I of bought another cash car yes, but there in lies the point. I'm a grown-up with kids I save money on bringing my lunch to work, remodeling things on my house that I know how to do, negotiating and doing research, we never go on vacations during spring break talk about price gouge and usually fly out on a Wednesday using spirit airlines (4 of us to Los Angeles in January$200 round trip total not each total!). I see people on here spending 10 hours on projects that save $50 I get it if you truly enjoy it, and it's a hobby, but your time is worth something no? I grew up poor 8 kids in my family, we had very little, I had the same mentality in my 20's that a lot of you have. I'd stand in line all day to get a free $1 taco because well it's free. I'd fix my beater car and end up dumping more time and money then it was worth. Eventually I started making decent money and realized my time was worth something. Save money on the big things like your house, not in small things .
April 21, 2018 at 06:47PM