Mold pictureRecently bought a home and have water problems in the basement due to gutter and slope issues (mold was not there and inspector didn't mention anything, I suspect the seller had this issue and cleaned it up real good before selling). I fixed 95% of the water issues, still working on it. Mold has sprouted up in a few places. I'm not going to hire a contractor because I don't have thousands of dollars for this and I don't really trust contractors (being one myself). I have read up and it looks like I need to remediate it by1) creating negative pressure in the room with a fan blowing outaide2) wear very good respirator and gloves3) wipe (not spray) area with fungicide (not bleach)4) carefully scrape area clean with wire brush while HEPA vacuuming (I have HEPA filters I will see if I can rig one up to a vacuum)5) coat area in encapsulant paint6) run a dehumidifier as further preventionI'm just wondering if I missed anything and also wondering which specific fungicide and ecapsulent you guys recommend. Thanks via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2I9e4BG