So I just moved into a new place, and layout is a bit...odd and required me to get creative with my dining situation. I decided the best option was to try and buy a “long” table (8-10ft) that was very thin(2-4ft), as the place is long and narrow. It’s basically a bar, as it’s 42 inches high and 92 long and is going flush against the wall. They don’t really make that apparently, so I did it myself!The construction wasn’t too bad I just got two 2x2x8s and a 2x2x4, the 2x2x4 into four 11” pieces and built a frame with some metal L brackets. Got some really nice charred oak shiplap and nailed it top down into the frame and then used galvanized iron piping for the legs. Two 3/4” 18” pieces with a threaded tee coupling and a stopper for the “front” legs and the same in the back, but with two 36” coming horizontally across the tee connected by a single coupling in the middle. All the piping was 3/4” and connected to the table by floor flanges. However, while I stood on top of the table comfortably without it being an issue, the table does feel wobbly when pressure is put on it from the sides, due to the height.Is there any way to sure up the table and make it feel sturdier on the floor? I’m very confident in its stability to maintain weight, as well as not fall over, but I don’t want it to jiggle around while I cut into food. Advice?Thanks in advance and I’ll attach a picture below! http://ift.tt/2IbqKZJ http://ift.tt/2oXdNtK via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2oT8DQ9