Coca-Cola is finally venturing into alcoholic drinks, after more than a century of creating carbonated drinks free of alcohol.
Coca-Cola has created an alcopop drink called Chu-Hi — a mixture of distilled shochu alcohol and flavored carbonated water — and will be launched exclusively in Japan. No timeline was specified for the launch of the product, the Telegraph reported.
“This is a canned drink that includes alcohol; traditionally, it is made with a distilled beverage called shochu and sparkling water, plus some flavoring. We haven’t experimented in the low alcohol category before, but it’s an example of how we continue to explore opportunities outside our core areas,” Jorge Garduño, Coca-Cola's Japan president said.
The product is not expected to be sold globally and is supposed to remain exclusive to Japan due to the “unique and special” qualities of the nation’s market. However, with an array of similarly alcoholic beverages — ranging in flavors from kiwi to yuzu — already popular in the Japanese market, Coca-Cola’s Chu-Hi has quite a competitive road ahead of it.
Submitted March 07, 2018 at 10:19AM by ChocolateTsar