Question's as simple as the title - my taxes essentially doubled on my home, so now I'll have to pay nearly $10,000 extra a year in taxes.
Has anyone had any success fighting this shit?
State is Texas, if that helps.
Edit: Apologies for the lack of info, here's some more stuff below after talking to my county appraiser:
We have filed and been approved for the homestead exemption, apparently the mortgage company didn't confirm this fact when recalculating my taxes for the year.
The increase in taxes is a result of an increase of my appraisal by almost 50%.
Given the information here, I assume I can fight the new appraisal, but given that we put nearly 1/2 of the increased assessment into the home (improvements), I'm not sure whether or not I'll have a case.
Thanks for all the info, and apologies again for not being clearer - I was seeing red!
Submitted February 02, 2018 at 09:47AM by REbr0