At the end of 2017, I switched jobs and got a 17% raise. My wife and I calculated that our apartment (in our old budget) was 40% of our net income. We really dug into our accounts and decided to move away from an area of town we really enjoy and save $400 a month on rent.
In our new budget, we've got our housing costs down to 31% of our net income. We've increased our monthly savings number to account for more student debt repayment (all low interest, otherwise we'd be blitzing it) and more travel savings. For the first time in months, I'm feeling really energized about our finances instead of the usual dread I felt when logging into our Mint account.
What changes have you (or your family) made so far in 2018 to reform or energize your finances? I would love to hear your strategies!
Submitted February 02, 2018 at 11:39AM by Deray22