Already posted this on PF but was told to cross post here so here I am.
Ok so I got let go from my waitressing job on the 5th. I filed for unemployment the next day. Got denied, appealed that decision and am currently waiting to hear something back. I had a small emergency fund (only 1 grand) but that went all to bills and niw I'm down to $12. To say I'm freaking out is an understatement. I've been denied for government assistance but I've been to 2 food banks in my area and have a lot of dry and canned goods to last me for the next couple of weeks.
I don't know if this is needed but here are my expenses:
Rent - $635/month.
Water - Billed every 60 days. Last bill was $102.53. I am going to cut down on water use. I wont get another bill until March.
Electric & Gas - was $82.89 because of the snow/needing to use the heat more.
Phone - $45/month through StraightTalk.
Internet/Cox bill - $65/month.
Groceries - I used to spend about $200/month. but I have drastically cut that down by going to food banks and stuff. This also includes misc. stuff like toilet paper, paper towels, tampons, pads, other toiletries. etc.
I don't have a car, so no car payment or insurance bill. These are all just the main, most important bills. I even looked into donating plasma but I can't because I'm underweight (103lbs) I don't want to pawn jewelry thats been in my family for generations but if I have to I will. But right now I can't even afford a taxi or bus pass to go to the store and get tampons. I have applied to quite a few places since being let go. Have visited food banks. Have offered to clean people's houses (did 3 hours of work for $30 once), babysit their kids. etc. The only thing that seems to be stopping me is not having a car (I was told by a mother who I offered to babysit her kids that she just couldn't let me watch her kids because I don't have any type of transportation in a case of an emergency and I can't say I really blame her there)
I'm just at a loss on what to do next. I jjust want a phone call saying I have a job. I don't care what - I'll work for minimum wage no problem. I have a cat and thankfully he's good on food for the next few weeks but if it comes down to it he will eat before I do (someone suggested calling my local humane society and seeing if they could spare some food so that's my plan tomorrow). I'm just so worried about March and how I'll be able to pay those bills. I really need some advice, so any and all is appreciated.
February 13, 2018 at 09:05PM