I am 29 years old and have been financially independent from my parents for years now. Before that my mother claimed me as a dependent as I mainly lived with and was supported by her (parents are divorced).
My mother passed away in December and now my father is coming and asking for my social security # because..."the tax software is asking for it", but he's "not sure why".
I know my dad well enough to guess he might be doing something a tad shady, but I am not sure what. I can distinctly remember years ago that he tried to claim myself and my brother as dependents at the same time when my mother was actually the one financially supporting us.
Any ideas what he is intending to do with my SS#? I ask mainly because this also concerns my brother, who's SS# my dad may already have.
Submitted February 14, 2018 at 11:50PM by beefsupremeXXX http://ift.tt/2Cn3ioi