Hi, first post here.. I’m in the UK.I’ve never done any DIY up until about a month ago, but I’m trying my best as have to learn somewhere (and to save money), so please bare with me.Woke up yesterday with the central heating not working, I fitted our Nest system to replace the old about 3/4 months ago so learnt a few things.All has been working fine, we have a hot water tank, so 2 diverter valves, heating/water.Call for water is working fine, can hear the motor in the diverter valve operate & click the switch.. boiler then fires up & hot water.. all fine, heating was the exact same until the other morning.Fire the heating up, nothing.. it’s not the thermostat as can hear it click on at the heat link, but no sound from the diverter valve & wiring is all fine as worked for a good 3 months faultlessly.I think I’ve narrowed it down to it being either the motor or the switch.. I just don’t know which. I’ve manually put the Honeywell 2port diverter valve into manual open, I know the valve works as can now get heating when the hot water comes on, so the internal valve is ok.I’ve ordered a replacement motor to arrive today, and have borrowed a volt tester to check that its receiving power when it should be from the heatlink.I’ve also found that because the valve has 2 screws not 4, it’s the newer version so can be removed without draining the system as there’s another faceplate behind. The actuator itself is £50, so £40 more than just a motor.What else can I check, I can hear the switch click when I manually operate the system... I just didn’t know if there was a sure way to point to the motor or the actuator/switch.Also... would you agree I’m on the right track at pinpointing the issue to be that valve, or am I missing something?Thankyou!! via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2GZxRUH