Hello, I purchased a Blanco drop in sink with clips similar in design to these: http://ift.tt/2nECj36 except that the rails to hold them go all the way around, there are about 30 slots and I can configure the clips how I like.I've put 2 in on each side and slowly tighten each of them half a turn each, but there will be slight gaps just big enough to fit a fingernail in, and if I try to tighten the clamps where those gaps are, the clamps just start tilting inwards towards the sink. I'm at a loss of what to do.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NthGEC5_upQIs a video of installation with the same type of clips and even when he's done it looks like there are slight gaps the same as mine, is that normal? Should I just live with them or apply some silicone to them? The sink came with the same kind of gasket as the one in the video that said it did not require silicone, but I'm a bit worried that drops of water will get under the lip before the gasket and cause mould. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2GVMKqH