New to the sub, but I just wanted to share a story from yesterday. I overdrafted at my bank (a credit union from my home state), and was knocked with 5x $27 overdraft feeds in the span of two days. I just started a new job and had a very small paycheck come in, and noticed the fees after my balance was about half what I thought it would be after the deposit. I got really upset, and felt like there was nothing I could do - and that I wouldn't be able to make rent. I messaged the bank and simply asked them to reverse the fees. To my surprise, they did! I've been a member there since my childhood, and they said I had a good track record and hadn't overdrafted by over $100.
If you're living paycheck to paycheck, or between jobs, set your pride aside and just ask. I never thought that would work.
January 03, 2018 at 11:02PM