Hello everyone,Long ago, my boyfriend and I purchased a Kilim Rug that was made during the Soviet-Afghani war. It depicts two children bearing Soviet flags saluting two Soviet soldiers on horseback. My boyfriend is a Russian history enthusiast and loves antiques, so this was irresistible. It was our first major purchase as a couple and it means a lot to us.Anyways, despite the sentimental value, it just didn't go with any of the decor in our last apartment and so we had to put it in storage for the last year.We just moved into a new furnished apartment. Most of the crappy Rooms2Go furniture that the apartment came with (like that painting and those terrible bedsheets) is hideous and so we'll have to take it all down immediately and redecorate. But the place has good bones and we both agree that the Kilim will go well with it.We would like to hang the Kilim above our bed. Due to the terms of our lease, we can't make any major renovations to the apartment, so we need a simple solution.Do any of you have any suggestions? Keep in mind that the Kilim is quite stiff and that it probably weighs about 30 pounds.The only plan we've seriously considered is sewing a piece of Velcro behind the Kilim and then nailing it to the opposite strip on the wall. However, we are very concerned about damaging our antique and would like to preserve its integrity to the best of our ability.Afghani Kilim via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2mjVCgs