We are getting the worst winter storm so far this year over the course of the next 48 hours. Wind chills into the -20s. I have been running my heat on low in the low 50s and have had no issues so far but a coworker says every year they have burst pipes if it gets below 55 in their basement. Just to be safe I'm turning up the temp to 60, but does anyone have experience running the heat lower during a severe storm? For reference I live in a first floor apartment in the north eastern states, apartment dwellers living on all sides next to me except the front with large windows. Kitchen and bathroom pipes are against the wall adjoining other apartments not the exterior wall. Pipes aren't exposed on the outside of the building as far as I can tell. I've been leaving cabinets open all the time to be safe. I also run hot water through all pipes morning and evening for at least a few minutes to make sure they are still working. Am I safe to continue doing 50 degrees after the storm passes?
January 05, 2018 at 06:22PM