Hoping this is the right sub for this.I recently got a very expensive messenger bag as a gift ($2k+) from an important person in my life and I owe them the respect to use it daily and not stuff it in a closet somewhere.Here's a picture of an example bag (not the same one but same brand and flap): http://ift.tt/2FhXNtO has a sling which I can use but I need a handle. There's a flap that just rests over the opening with a little buckle. I'd like to avoid fucking over that buckle, or the flap. I want to try to do this with as little damage as possible and be able to remove the handle if I wanted to. Avoiding too much damage to the original bag is really important!Here's the process I'm currently thinking. Keep in mind I am literally stupid when it comes to these things so feel free to harshly criticize it.I think rather than sewing a handle directly on the top of the bag, I double-layer it (added protection for the flap as well) and wrap a long strap around the flap.Superglue the strap onto a thin piece of plastic that's the same size as the strap (*basically layering it) (this will prevent any actual glue from getting on the bag because if even a drop gets onto the bag then it will get discolored severely).I'll use fabric tape to stick the plastic side of the strap-plastic layering to the bag; I'm hoping it will prevent damage.The strap will come out from under the flap and loop around the flap. If I use the tape and plastic to hold it in place that would prevent the strap from folding in on itself. And it will give the bag some extra squared structure.I'll take an old belt (same leather color) and sand it down until it's thin enough. Then, I'll wrap it into a cylidral handle and stuff it with cotton.Sew the strap onto the handleNow the strap should be coming out the top of the bag and it should look decent, but the strap needs to be attached at the top as well.I need some way to be able to attach the strap (which is fabric btw) to the top of the canvas. And it needs to be able to hold at least 15 pounds of weight reliably. This is probably the most difficult part; I don't know how to achieve this without literally sewing it and riddling the bag with holes. I can't use too strong of a glue either otherwise it'll fuck up the canvas. I do know nail polish remover can get rid of superglue, but ripping the strap off after sueprgluing can easily damage that canvas which makes me extremely hesitant to pursue that direction.Any suggestions? Sorry if this post is convoluted. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2CUmAWc