A lot of my friends have a financial advisor to help them with their finances. It seems like a lot of them are really just using them for a Roth IRA, but they could be using them for other services as well. Is talking to a financial advisor about different options I can use to save for my future something that could be beneficial to me?
I am 23 years old, graduated college a year and a half ago, and am making about $55,000 a year. I put 9% into my 401(k) through work, and they offer a 100% match up to 6%. After I move out of my parents house in a year, I plan on bringing my 401(k) contributions down to 6%. I also maxed out my Roth IRA through Vanguard in 2017, and already have my entire max contribution for 2018 ready for when I’m able to make that contribution. I plan on maxing out my Roth IRA every year.
I feel that what I am currently doing is sufficient, but is meeting with a financial advisor something that could benefit me?
Submitted December 06, 2017 at 09:54AM by HinkieDied4OurSins http://ift.tt/2BE7Zdb