It's either the biggest mistake of my life, or the best decision I'll ever make, either way it's a big, big decision.
Moving into a new town, to be closer to a girl I love. (starting with some strong cliches/red flags aren't we)
I'm a good ole boy, hispanic teen from deep south Texas, and I'm moving into mid-eastern Illinois, I'll be attending a community college, going in for a 2 year associate's in CS, in Aurora IL.
The out of state tuition is, decent, and my financial aid is covering a good half of it.
I've got $1,030 to my name. I'll need to find a place to sleep, a room or shared rent, nothing lower than $425 with an equal security deposit it looks like. I won't have a car, I certainly won't have the ability to get one.
I'll obviously be looking for a job on hour 1, and I'll have to settle for being a part time student, as well as worker.
I'm looking at a bleak, difficult, stressful and exhausting road, yet with the anchor of a toxic family, muddled grudges against my hometown and the hell of a desert it is, and a sometimes lackluster, sometimes overpowering motivation to be closer to the person I love (right?) has me to going down it.
I wish I could say I'll have this figured out on my own, but quite frankly there's so much that I just don't know about. There's a full grown, adult world that I don't have a clue about. What is step 1? what is step 2? What am I supposed to do NOW before the new year, (planning to go into school this next semester)
How do I live frugal, how do I keep things on track, how do I survive?
December 19, 2017 at 10:25PM